How to Choose the Right Shapewear for Your Wedding Dress

Every bride wants to feel and look her best on her wedding day. Bridal shapewear plays an important part on the wedding day look. No matter how much exercise or diet that a bride has gone through to slim down for her wedding day, there would still be some wobbly bits that would show and may ruin the look of the wedding dress. Shapewear can help to smooth out any bulges or lumps, and help make the bride look flawless in her. 

If you are getting ready for your wedding and are looking for the best tummy control shapewear, do scroll ahead to dive into the world of bridal shapewear and take a look at some of the best bridal shapewear for all sizes and styles of dresses.

How To Pick The Right Bridal Shapewear

Shapewear for wedding dresses do more that just improve the aesthetics. They play an important role in shaping the whole bridal ensemble. From tummy and back bulges to muffin tops, good quality shapewear can smooth everything out. Knowing what your wedding dress style is will make it easier to narrow down the shapewear options.  Get ready to say yes to the wedding dress-worthy shapewear with these tips.

Classic Lined Wedding Dresses

The classic wedding dresses that have a good lining in them are ideal for wearing with shapewear. This is because the fabric is usually forgiving towards what you are wearing underneath. You can choose a firm shapewear such as this AirSlim® 3 In 1 Shaping Tank Shapewear for a dramatic slimming and shaping effect. This body shaper will cinch your waist, flatten your tummy and eliminate back bulges, making you look amazing.

shapewear for wedding
AirSlim® 3 In 1 Shaping Tank Shapewear

Strapless Wedding Dresses

If you plan to wear a strapless wedding dress, then you are limited to the choice of shapewear especially if you are wanting to wear a bodysuit. You have to avoid body shapers with straps or anything that would interfere with the neckline. Instead of a bodysuit, you can opt for a high waisted shaper shorts such as the AirSlim® High Waisted Butt Lifter Shorts with 2 Steel Bones. This pair of shaping shorts can effectively control the tummy and has steel bones on both sides of the waist to prevent rolling down. This butt lifter shapewear can also enhance and give the derriere a lift.

Silk or Lace Wedding Dresses

Wedding dresses made of silk or lace can be a little tricky to wear shapewear underneath, especially if they are not lined. Opt for shapewear in a natural tone as this will blend in the best, although your dress is white. Silk fabric tends to cling to every seam or ridge, so you need to choose shapewear that is completely seamless. This PowerConceal Eco Contour Seamless Bodysuit offers moderate compression and targeted control for the tummy, waist, and legs. Made from recycled and seamless material for all day comfort, it has wide straps for all day comfort and support.

shapewear for wedding
PowerConceal™ Eco Contour Seamless Bodysuit

Tea Length or Cocktail Style Wedding Dresses

Tea length or cocktail wedding dresses are super stylish and flattering. For the right shapewear style to wear underneath them, you must avoid anything that is mid-length. This AirSlim® Backless Underwear Thong Shapewear is a good choice. Specially designed for low back tops or dresses, this versatile bodysuit will not only smooth the tummy with its double layer tummy control design, the padded top also offers coverage, lift the bust and allows you to wear it bra free. The straps are convertible and allows different styling such as halterneck or crisscross.

shapewear for wedding
AirSlim® Backless Underwear Thong Shapewear

Mermaid Wedding Dresses

One of the most popular wedding dresses style is the mermaid wedding dress. This form-fitting fit and flare dress demands a smooth line especially on the buttocks. Opt for mid thigh shapers or bodysuits that will enhance and shape your buttocks like this PowerConceal Backless Shape Bodysuit that is made from super soft and seamless fabric which outlines the body shape perfectly. This tummy control bodysuit has a sexy low back design and will hold in the tummy, lift the derriere and smooths the thighs.

shapewear for wedding
PowerConceal™ Backless Shape Bodysuit

Having the right shapewear to wear under your wedding dress can make a world of difference in elevating your bridal look. On top of offering support and comfort, shapewear will also boosts your confidence, allowing you to shine on your special day.(*)


30 komentar untuk "How to Choose the Right Shapewear for Your Wedding Dress"

  1. aku suka sama bentuk yang terakhir, mermaid gitu karena keliatan bentuk body dan bisa sedikit terlihat kurus apalagi yang punya paha gede

  2. Choose the best shapewear as your body curves!
    Pakai shapewear gini emang enakeun untuk saat-saat tertentu, bikin postur tubuh membaik dan bawaannya pun jadi percaya diri.

  3. Wahhh beneran, di hari bahagia mah harus tetep tampil slim dan glowing wkwkkw. Jadi pastikan juga memilih bridal shapewear yang tepat dan paling sesuai. Kalo aku yang paling cocok pake Classic Lined Wedding Dresses sii. Bikin makin percaya diri lah.

  4. Great article and good blog. Right and comfort shapewear is important to increase the confidence. Thx for your review

  5. Wah, model dan warna shapewear-nya bagus-bagus dan sangat mendukung badan supaya tampak lebih langsing dan singset. Apalagi buat pakai gaun pernikahan kudu manglingi dan tampil percaya diri ya. Cocktail Style sepertinya pilihan yang menarik banget. Praktis banget dikenakan dan aman nih di body.

  6. Wah, makasih rekomendasinya. Pakai gaun pengantin, biasanya memang makai shapewear dulu buat bentuk tubuh. Jadi bisa kelihatan tambah ramping badannya

  7. I am agree, having the right shapewear to wear under our wedding dress can make a world of difference in elevating our bridal look

  8. Di hari yang paling penting dan berkesan, apalagi di hari pernikahan, tentu harus memilih shapewear yang nyaman ya...

  9. Shapewear is needed to perfect bride appearance, because the bride wants to look perfect on her special day

  10. Aku lebih suka clasiic dan tradisional tapi setuju sih kalau apapun itu tetep harus comfort

  11. Kadang2 ... di saat-saat seperti ini pengen pakai shapewear juga di rumah tapiiiii kutak sanggup menahan napas deh ... jadinya tinggal angan2. Padahal kan bisa ngebentuk badan lagi.

  12. shapenya banyak ya ternyata, aku gak ngerti nama-namanya, baca artikel ini jadi tau deh modelnya dan peruntukannya

  13. Wah iya, saat memakai gaun pengantin, penting juga memikirkan shape wear yang dipakai ya
    Biar match gitu ya

  14. Emang kalau pakai daleman yang shapeware tuh body rasanya indah aja yaaa... Hehehe.. Jadi inget jaman muda biar body bagus terus. Pas senam aja pakai korset hahah.

  15. Terlihat bagus dan kuat
    Plus menyerap keringat
    Bahannya enggak seperti shapewear pada umumnya
    Hmm, mau sih saya coba untuk poundfit di rumah sekalian

  16. Aw aw aku jadi keinget dulu suka nonton salah satu channel tipi kabel yang cewek banget dan ada acara pilih2 wedding dress. Yup disarankan dalamamnya kalau bisa pakai yang bisa membentuk tubuh jadi lebih proporsional sehingga gaunnya juga bakal cakep dipakai di hari H :D

  17. Keren-keren semua nih model shapewear nya. Bagus banget membentuk tubuh. Aku pilih yang mana ya? bentuk tubuhku pir, pinggang kecil pinggung besar. Yang mana cocoknya ya untukku?

  18. That's right...
    With the right shapewear on your special day, all eyes will be on you...

  19. Beneran jadi ngebentuk body jadi lebih bangus yahh, kebayang sih kalau sudah dipakaikan gaun pasti semakin cantik di hari yang spesial

  20. I agree with this statement, "Having the right shapewear to wear under your wedding dress can make a world of difference in elevating your bridal look." Istilah bahasa jawanya Manglingi.
    Not only make up appereance, but also body shape is the important thing to make wedding dress looks stunning

  21. Harus pakai Shapewear yang sesuai bentuk dan ukuran tubuh ya biar lebih nyaman dikenakan dan tampak menawan

  22. Aku cuma punya 1 deh mba. Dan warnanya kayak yg pict 1. Tapi memang nyaman sih aku yg warna kulit gitu. Idaman banget sih ngeshape gitu bodynya heheuu. Bahannya kayaknya enakeun bener ya mba.

  23. Creating this beautiful body silhouette takes time and effort. But with supportive shapewear, your body will look perfect in seconds.

  24. Harus pake shapewear yang tepat supaya gaun jadi terlihat cocok di tubuh kita yaaah, biar makin pede dan cantik di hari istimewa

  25. postur tubuh jd lebih enak dilihaatt ya
    memang pentiingg bgt punya produk ini

  26. Untuk tampil di hari H wedding memang harus paripurna penampilannya. Kalau perlu memang pakai shapewear yang tepat. Biar coock dengan gaun pengantin dan pas di badan kita.

  27. Pakai shapewear bisa ngebentuk badan jadi lebih bagus, ya. Apalagi kalau untuk wedding dress, pakai shapewear gaunnya bisa keliatan lebih pas di badan

  28. kalau mau nikah itu pastinya kita pengen terlihat bagus ya saat mengenakan baju pengantinnya dan shapewear ini memang biasanya selalu dikenakan saat memakai baju pengantin biar badan terlihat singset

  29. bisa jadi dambaan para perempuan yang pengen terlihat langsing deh produk shapewear ini, apalagi pas momen untuk wedding dress perlu banget

  30. Shapewear membantu bentuk badan keliatan rapi tidak bergelombang disaat pake baju ketat atau baju daerah spt baju tradisional jawa


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